The ACT Property Council today expressed its support for the Government’s Planning and Development (Efficiencies) Amendment Bill 2016.
If passed, the Bill will allow development applications to be lodged along with draft territory plan variations, draft environment impact statements, or applications to use a prior study.
“We support initiatives that lead to better clarity for the community on proposed development projects,” said ACT Property Council Executive Director, Merlin Kong.
“It also means that communities are better informed to give constructive input.”
“Draft territory plan variations can be abstract in nature, so by allowing development applications to be lodged at the same time, this will give communities a better understanding of what’s happening and remove speculation.”
“The Minister has offered that the changes in this bill will allow projects to be delivered sooner, and reduce red tape.”
“Constructive community input on proposed developments, faster project delivery, and less red tape—these are improvements that the Property Council supports.”
Media contact: Merlin Kong |M 0429 579 972 |P 02 6276 3602 |E [email protected]