The Property Council has welcomed the Federal Government’s commitment to a future City Deal for South East Queensland (SEQ) in tonight’s Federal Budget.*
Property Council Queensland Executive Director, Chris Mountford, said that several years of ground work have already been done on an SEQ City Deal, with committed stakeholders excited about what a deal could mean for the region.
“The Queensland Government, SEQ Councils and the Property Council have been collaborating for nearly three years on the potential for an SEQ City Deal. This collaboration has transcended political, policy and geographic differences with all players recognising the potential long-term power of a City Deal.
“We welcome the Federal Government’s recognition of this work and commitment to get involved.
“SEQ is unlike any other region in the country. The whole is worth much more than the sum of its parts, which is why an SEQ wide City Deal should be the focus, rather than sub-regional, or local government specific deals.
“An SEQ City Deal will ensure all three levels of government are aligned on the strategies to drive the local economy, tackle housing affordability, improve our connectivity and maintain our enviable lifestyle.
*Reference: Page 19 of Budget Paper No. 2.