Home Property Australia Smart Cities Plan Funding

Smart Cities Plan Funding

  • September 18, 2017

The Property Council of Australia NT Division congratulates the Northern Territory Government on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with the Federal Government for the Smart City Deals initiative. 

Property Council of Australia’s Northern Territory Executive Director Ruth Palmer said that this latest announcement is a major victory and a vindication of the Northern Territory Government’s CBD revitalisation strategy and its respective budget spend. 

“Given the poor Federal budget and the looming GST cut to Northern Territory Government revenue, this potential funding is now even more important to the Territory. 

“The City Deals policy provides Federal Government funding to States and Territory Governments that are seeking to improve  city’s amenities and infrastructure. 

“The Property Council strongly encourages all levels of Government, Federal, Territory, and Local to co-operate and support the Memorandum of Understanding and work towards ensuring the full benefit is secured and spent in the local economy.” 

Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  0450 428 314  |   E  [email protected]