Home Property Australia Significant funding for BASS

Significant funding for BASS

  • September 12, 2017

From the outset of the Federal Election Campaign the Property Council of Australia made it clear that the UTAS Northern Expansion and water and sewerage infrastructure must be  funding priorities.

Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman praised both major parties for listening to members’ calls who contribute significantly to the economy across the state.

“Bass has certainly benefited from being a marginal electorate this time around.

“The Property Council of Australia led the community conversation regarding the UTAS Northern Expansion garnering matching promises of $150 million from both major parties, along with a commitment of $75 million for water and sewerage infrastructure from the Australian Labor Party.

“A positive flow on benefit of the UTAS project will be a sharpening of the focus on improving learning outcomes, encouraging young Tasmanians to aspire to higher education at a world class campus.

“The significance of these promises should not be underestimated; Bass has certainly been a winner in this election campaign, he said.

Mr. Wightman acknowledged the importance of a nation-wide focus on cities.

“It remains critical that we continue to focus on improving the livability of our cities through delivering a powerful framework for improvement.

“A regional city such as Launceston city requires significant infrastructure investment to encourage economic growth.

The Property Council of Australia also praised the continued focus on the Launceston City Heart Project by the Coalition.

“Additional funding of $7.5 million for the City Heart Project will continue to reshape the city, offering boutique and trendy laneways and retail opportunities which showcase Launceston’s uniqueness,” he said.

Media contact:  Brian Wightman  |M  0429 073 773  |E  [email protected]