The next State government needs to introduce retirement living housing targets for councils to plan for increased housing supply or WA will face a seniors housing crisis.
The warning, from the Property Council of Australia, comes as WA struggles to house an ever-growing seniors population – official forecasts predict that 22% of Perth and Peel’s population will be aged 65 or over by 2051.
“As the population of our city continues to grow and age, we need to face up to the stark reality that we are currently not equipped to deliver well located and well-designed retirement communities to house our seniors,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“What we are seeing is seniors being given a lack of choice of where they can retire and being forced to move into unfamiliar areas where they are not socially connected.”
“Land use policy is the single most important lever that government has to provide rapid support for the development or redevelopment of retirement villages so that older West Australians are able to live happy and independent lives where they want to live.”
“Enshrining retirement living targets in state planning frameworks will encourage councils to identify where the development of modern vertical villages and the redevelopment of existing low density villages can occur in desirable locations such as the middle ring suburbs of Perth.”
“Increasing density in these areas would allow our seniors to live close to family and friends, while also offering new and modern communities which promote independence and caters for their needs.”
Notes to editors:
- The Property Council of Australia is the leading advocate for Australia’s biggest industry – property. The Property Council champions the interests of more than 2200 member companies that represent the full spectrum of the industry, including those who invest, own, manage and develop in all sectors of property, creating landmark projects and environments where people live, work, shop, and play.Our industry represents one ninth of Australia’s GDP (the largest of any sector), employs 1.1 million Australians (more than mining and manufacturing combined) and generates $72 billion in tax revenues to fund community services. In WA, the property industry employs 205,000 West Australians, generates $6.4 Billion in taxes, and contributes $31. Billion to the economy.
Media contact: Sadie Davidson | M 0467977427 | E [email protected]