Home Property Australia Release of tender to improve linkage into city centre

Release of tender to improve linkage into city centre

  • September 19, 2017

Commuter access to the Darwin city centre is set to be improved with Council opening a public tender for the upgrade of the Cavenagh and Bennett Street intersection.

The scope of the $1.4 million project includes:

• Provision of a new inbound left lane on Bennett Street (McMinn Street end)

• Modifications to the existing lane layouts and signals phasing to facilitate safer and more efficient movement of traffic

• Upgrading the existing street lights in the vicinity to LED lighting

• New shade structures and landscaping on all four corners of the intersection

Council received $1 million in funding through the Northern Territory Government’s Improving Strategic Local Roads Infrastructure Program and Council will contribute $400,000.

The request for tenders will close at 2pm CST, Thursday 17 August 2017. The tender documents are now available from the City of Darwin Tenders Portal: darwin.nt.gov.au/council/tenders-and-eoi.

For further information about the upgrade visit www.darwin.nt.gov.au/keyprojects.