Home Property Australia Ready to go

Ready to go

  • September 19, 2017

The Property Council of Australia today welcomed the opportunity to lead reforms whenever the State Election is called.

Executive Director Brian Wightman said that the Tasmanian Division was always ready to advocate for structural improvement in the State’s economy and infrastructure.

“The Property Council prides itself on our ability to deliver policy outcomes for members and the broader Tasmanian community.

“We are clear about the reforms which are required to deliver continuous economic growth in our State.

“The Tasmanian Division successfully supported the development and announcement of the Launceston City Deal, and looks forward to working with all levels of government to deliver a similar outcome for Hobart.

“And while members are encouraged by recent economic reports which showcase Tasmania’s improvement, we believe that political leaders must undertake structural reforms that set the state up for generations to come,” he said.

The Tasmanian Division noted that a number of these structural reforms should underpin Election Platforms for the major parties.

“Population growth has proven to be essential for economic improvement in Tasmania and political leaders should commit to funding a sophisticated strategy to maintain growth.

“TasWater must become a GBE.  We don’t believe that community leaders accept the status quo is good enough nor that they imagine a water and sewerage entity owned by 29 councils is viable going forward.

“The Tasmanian Planning Scheme must be completed on time.  Investment certainty which drives continuous economic growth is dependent upon consistency and clarity.  To that end, Development Assessment Panels should become the norm for the assessment of significant developments so that Aldermen are no longer required to make planning decisions that are clearly beyond their ability to do so.

“Council rates must be set by an independent body.  It beggars belief that a small State has such disparity in services and charges.  If councils wish to increase rates beyond CPI then they should have to make the case why it is necessary,” he said.

Mr Wightman said the Property Council looked forward to continuing a strong and robust working relationship with the State Government and Opposition in the lead-up to the State Election.

Media contact:  Brian Wightman |E  [email protected]