Home Property Australia Property Industry Future Leaders Mentoring Program Launched

Property Industry Future Leaders Mentoring Program Launched

  • September 06, 2017

NSW Executive Director, Jane Fitzgerald, said that last night in Sydney the Future Leaders Mentoring Program, an initiative of the Property Council’s Future Directions Committee was launched to help shape the future leaders of the property industry in NSW.

Ms Fitzgerald said the program is aimed at mentees who are final year university students and graduates interested in entering the property industry.

“This program creates a forum for young property professionals to learn, network and socialise with like-minded peers and industry leaders,” Ms Fitzgerald said.

“It also gives companies in the property industry an opportunity to access and foster the early development of emerging talent.

“It’s a classic win-win situation.”

Jessica Wilkinson, Co-Chair of the Future Directions Committee said that after six consecutive years of a successful program the Committee wanted to open the 2016 applications to industry graduates to broaden the program and opportunities it affords.

“We have been over whelmed with the quality of applications received and are excited to launch the 2016 program,” Ms Wilkinson said.

Ms Fitzgerald said the objective of the nine week program is to reinforce existing strong links between universities, industry and the Property Council to help shape the property sector’s future leaders.

 “Mentees gain knowledge, expand their networking skills and learn from the experiences of experienced property professionals,” Ms Fitzgerald said

The program commenced last night at the offices of The GPT Group where 17 mentors and mentees, the Future Directions Committee and Future Directions sponsors had the opportunity to network and meet each other.

The program includes a minimum of three face-to-face meetings between mentors and mentees and the opportunity for participants to hone their insight and skills.

Ms Fitzgerald said the NSW property industry is NSW’s second largest employer with one in six people drawing their wage directly or indirectly from it.

“The property industry contributes substantially every day to the state’s prosperity and this forward looking program will help it stay that way over the decades to come.”


Media contact:  Jane Fitzgerald  |  M  0419 257 835  |   E  [email protected]