Home Property Australia Property Council Welcomes Green Growth Plan

Property Council Welcomes Green Growth Plan

  • August 25, 2017

The Property Council welcomes the State Government’s decision to reduce red tape within the WA environmental planning approval process with the announcement of the proposed Green Growth Plan.

At the strategic level this move is very positive and important for the property industry as it should deliver more certainty and streamline the environmental approvals regime. It would also remove the need for separate approvals from the State & Federal government agencies.

 “With Perth expecting to hit 3.5m people by 2050, the proposed Green Growth Plan will play a key role  in helping the property sector  deliver sustainable growth to make Perth a more consolidated, connected and prosperous city,” Property Council WA Executive Director Joe Lenzo said.

“Today’s announcement is a positive step towards reducing the frustrating and costly red tape that acts as a road block to growth in WA.  Modernising the land-use planning process and environmental protection, should give developers greater certainty and a streamlined approvals regime.

“We are looking for the Green Growth Plan to prevent strategic developments being sidelined because of inconsistency between State and Federal agencies.

“An effective Green Growth Plan will be fundamental to keeping WA growing as the state transitions from a resource development economy into a more sustainable and broadly-based economy.”

Media contact:  Joe Lenzo  |  M  0419 044 768  |   E  [email protected]