The State Government’s commitment to set a net zero emissions target by 2050 is welcomed by the Property Council of Victoria.
The Property Council’s Victorian Acting Executive Director, Asher Judah, said the commitment represents a steady path to 2050. This path is underpinned by a series of five year interim targets.
“We support an approach which is steady, sensible and considered. The built environment accounts for 23 per cent of Australia’s greenhouse gas emissions, so the property industry will play a vital role in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
“The property industry has been making major gains in emissions reduction for a number of years and we want to partner with government in building on our strong record.
“Governments will come and go between now and 2050. It is vital that governments and oppositions develop a shared commitment to this important goal.
“We don’t want chopping and changing, no upmanship and accompanying scares. If we are to make consistent improvements in Victoria it will require steady and consistent leadership.
“Public reporting against targets must be an integral part of this long-term path. There must be ongoing accountability.
“The Low Carbon, High Performance report recently released by ASBEC provides a policy framework that will put Australia’s built environment on the road to net zero and the Property Council welcomes the opportunity to work with the State Government to implement the recommendations in this important report.
“Our industry is willing to work towards a goal of net zero emissions by 2050.
“We expect that we can play a significant role in helping Victoria reach its goal, but it will require a considered plan that includes strong incentives, energy market reform and considered regulation to achieve it.”
ASBEC’s Low Carbon, High Performance report can be found here.
Media contact: Asher Judah | M 0499 841 715 | E [email protected]