Home Property Australia Property Council statement on ACT election

Property Council statement on ACT election

  • September 14, 2017

“We congratulate Andrew Barr and the Labor Party on their re-election,” said Property Council Acting ACT Executive Director Belinda Ngo.

“The voters have made their choice and the Barr Government now has the green light to proceed with light rail.

“This is a once in a generation opportunity to shape the gateway to our city and we are keen to work with Government to put in place a well-conceived plan for Northbourne Avenue and the surrounding areas. 

“A vital issue for this government is housing affordability – it is a major concern for all Canberrans. 

“The need for supply side solutions is clear.  We need a strategic plan that increases the supply of homes that are to be built – through land releases as well as urban renewal projects. 

“This requires a coordinated review of our planning frameworks, modernising the role of the Land Development Agency and relaxing lease variation charges which currently act as a major barrier to investment in our city. 

“We extend our hand to the Government, Opposition and cross bench to work with them on developing a substantive housing and cities agenda to keep Canberra as

Media contact:  Belinda Ngo |M 0400 356 140 |E [email protected]