Home Property Australia Property Council of Australia statement on the Federal Election

Property Council of Australia statement on the Federal Election

  • September 12, 2017

“Business never likes uncertainty, but we accept that it is the voters’ prerogative to choose the parliament that best reflects their hopes and aspirations. This result is a reflection of the people’s will and it has to be accepted as that,” said Ken Morrison, Chief Executive of the Property Council.

“Our hope is that we end up with a workable Parliament that can deliver the stable government that Australia needs. The property industry will work with whatever party forms government and the rest of the Parliament.

“Our message to both sides is learn the lessons from 2010. Make no deals that sacrifice Australia’s long-term economic interests.

“Neither party should think this result gives them a ‘three-year leave pass’ from economic reform. Australia needs policies that generate the prosperity and jobs that our country needs. Three in four Australians live in our cities and Australia needs a serious policy agenda that is about making our cities more liveable and our housing more affordable.

“The property industry accounts for one ninth of national GDP and employs over 1.1 million Australians, more than mining and manufacturing combined.”

Media contact: Paul Ritchie | [email protected]