The Property Council welcomes and congratulates the three new heads of the McGowan Government’s newly merged Departments but has concerns over the separation of the Transport and Planning departments.
The announcement by the State Government of changes to department structures is generally welcomed by the Property Council, however the continuing separation of planning, transport and infrastructure responsibilities will challenge the Government’s capacity to deliver its urban renewal objectives.
“The amalgamations of government departments will result in more stream-lined delivering of services in WA, particularly the combination of Planning and Lands responsibilities, however the Government could have gone further and combined Transport and Infrastructure with Planning”, said Property Council WA Executive Director, Lino Iacomella.
“The Metronet rail plan is accepted as the centre-piece of the Government’s urban planning framework and it would have been very useful to have the planning and transport heads in the same Department to help steer Metronet as well.
“The industry was also expecting more insight into the formation of the promised Infrastructure WA in the department shake-up and it is concerning that there isn’t a department to lead the State’s big infrastructure program.
“The Property Council is calling on the State Government to provide more information about the formation of Infrastructure WA as well as how the separate Departments of planning and transport will work alongside each other”, said Mr Iacomella.
The Property Council will continue discussion with Minister Rita Saffioti to ensure planning and transport continue to work together cohesively to deliver infrastructure projects that will keep WA growing.