Home Property Australia Property Council Appoints WA Executive Director

Property Council Appoints WA Executive Director

  • September 05, 2017

The Property Council of Australia has appointed Lino Iacomella as its Western Australian Executive Director, taking over from Joe Lenzo when he retires on March 31.

Lino has a long history in the property industry having been the Property Council’s WA Deputy Executive Director for ten years, public affairs director with the Real Estate Institute of WA, and an economist with the ABS in Canberra.

Property Council Chief Executive Ken Morrison said it was a great pleasure to promote Mr Iacomella to the role after an exhaustive executive search process.

“Lino’s immense experience, advocacy skills and strong standing within the political and property communities meant that he was the clear-choice candidate,” Mr Morrison said.

“WA is moving into an election cycle at a time where the state is facing tough economic challenges.  Lino is the right leader to see us through this period and beyond.

“Lino is deeply respected within the industry and across the political spectrum, and will be a powerful champion for the prosperity, jobs and strong communities this industry creates.”

Joe Lenzo added “I am delighted that Lino will lead the Property Council in WA, this is fantastic news for our members.  His industry knowledge and support over the past 10 years has been invaluable and I know he will lead the Property Council to new heights.



Media contact:  Joe Lenzo  |   M  0419 044 768  |   E  [email protected]

                       Lino Iacomella|   M 0417 501 974   |   E [email protected]