Home Property Australia Port deal breakthrough welcomed

Port deal breakthrough welcomed

  • September 05, 2017

The Property Council has congratulated the Government and the Opposition on reaching bipartisan agreement for leasing the Port of Melbourne.

Victorian Executive Director Jennifer Cunich said this is a great win for the Government and demonstrates that complex economic reform can be done in cooperation with the Opposition.

“The Property Council was the first industry association to recommend leasing the Port and is delighted that this asset recycling initiative will be proceeding,” said Ms Cunich.

“Victoria is presently suffering from a multi-billion dollar infrastructure backlog. The funds raised from leasing the Port will help address many of our State’s infrastructure challenges.”

“We now look forward to the smooth passage of the Delivering Victorian Infrastructure (Port of Melbourne Lease Transaction) Bill.”


Media contact: Asher Judah | M 0499 841 715 | E [email protected]