The Property Council of Australia today encouraged Tasmanians to get behind the State Government’s planning reforms.
Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman said that the Tasmanian Planning Scheme was essential for a strong future underpinned by continuous economic growth.
“Like former governments, the current State Government is determined to improve the planning regime in Tasmania.
“A lack of consistency and certainty is the legacy of the planning system in Tasmania which has delivered a handbrake on investment and much needed job creation,” he said
Mr. Wightman challenged those against the reforms to consider the importance of providing opportunities for Tasmanians to enter the housing market.
“Simply comparing Tasmania to Melbourne as the basis to voice concerns does not in any way compare apples with apples.
“Tasmanians require a variety of housing options at different points in their lives. Not every resident can afford, nor wishes to spend their weekends tilling a quarter acre block.
“If we truly believe in fairness and equity then we must cater for societal change and take advantage of house prices in our state which still provide people with an opportunity to enter the property market.
“Previous generations have worked hard and invested astutely, securing their economic future with property. We should be attempting to foster the same aspiration in all Tasmanians,” he said.
Mr. Wightman reinforced the importance of the First Home Builders Grant for investment opportunity and job creation.
“The State Government should increase the First Home Builders Grant to $30,000 in the 2017/18 budget, driving investment, providing opportunities and creating jobs as a result,” he said.