Perth has often struggled to articulate its urban identity to the rest of the world. It’s time for a Perth to crystalise its brand and use it to drive economic growth.
“The latest report by the Property Council of Australia. Big and Small Ideas for Perth, found that inner-city stakeholders feel there is a lack of clear branding of Perth’s inner city,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“It’s time Perth City got comfortable in its own and devised a clear brand for Perth to attract business and tourism to WA’s capital city.
The report Big and Small Ideas for Perth found that:
- Perth needs to develop a place brand strategy for execution across multiple touch points from campaign to public realm
- Proactive brand management should be part of the capital city agenda
- The place brand should be enduring and not campaign driven, reflecting the many facets of the city.
“The brand strategy should celebrate our indigenous heritage as well as our position in the Asian region. This brand should permeate and underpin our service culture, approach to policy making and he reflected in our architecture, city making and events.
“Perth’s inner city needs a clear brand, something that instantly comes to mind and is unique to Perth. The messaging and delivery of this brand will play a vital role in attracting investment into the city, spurring the local economy to keep WA growing,” Mr Iacomella said.