NSW Deputy Executive Director, Felicity Wilson today announced that NSW alone would reach the national target in the Property Council’s 100 Women in Property program building on other recent initiatives to promote diversity across the industry.
“100 Women in Property asks members to make a personal commitment to diversity and sponsor talented, up and coming women in our industry,” Ms Wilson said.
“The ‘100 Women’ was a nationwide target but due to its stunning success, more than 90 women have already been sponsored here in NSW by other Property Council members. We will reach the national target in the next few days.
“Cultural change is partly about achieving critical mass and this program creates a talent pipeline right to the top.
“This program is about that as well as how important it is to have sponsors and champions in your career.”
Virginia Briggs, partner at MinterEllison law firm and chair of the Property Council’s Women in Property and Diversity Committee said senior men and women across the sector were embracing the chance to boost an up and coming woman’s career.
“Those of us who are already in senior positions are committed to giving other women in the industry a leg up to help them get where they deserve to be,” Ms Briggs said.
Sponsors in the 100 Women in Property program are asked to personally advocate for and promote the career of the sponsored woman, help build their network and plan their development, including nominating for a Property Council committee.
Ms Wilson said the 100 Women in Property program was just one of the strategies the Property Council had developed to increase the number of women in leadership roles and achieve diversity across the industry.
Sponsored participants from NSW cover a range of fields within the property industry and include audit directors, lawyers, client managers, marketing personnel, engineers, project and property managers. See their stories here: http://bit.ly/1s00KY2
Today’s launch was at the fifth annual Women in Property lunch jointly sponsored by Brookfield and Capstone, which had more than 700 in attendance.
Media contact: Felicity Wilson [email protected] 0410 502 980