Home Property Australia Northern Stimulus Package

Northern Stimulus Package

  • September 13, 2017

The Property Council of Australia today reiterated its support of the State Government’s Northern Stimulus Package.

Property Council Executive Director Brian Wightman welcomed the investment in infrastructure.

“The Property Council has long maintained the importance of delivering job enabling and job creating infrastructure.

“The State Government has clearly recognised this advocacy and provided an opportunity for the North and North West to plan for continuous economic growth,” he said.

The Property Council acknowledged capital works targeted at schools, and again threw its support behind the University of Tasmania’s relocation in Launceston and Burnie as a part of the Federal Government’s City Deal.

“Education is key to Tasmania’s future, an investment in infrastructure is welcomed, particularly a focus on ensuring  higher education is a realistic goal for our young people.  

“The relocation projects can not begin soon enough,” he said.

Mr Wightman encouraged the State Government to place tight parameters around the most significant part of the Stimulus Package, the $60 million interest free loan scheme for councils.

“The State Government must clearly flag its intentions regarding the type  of infrastructure an the manner in which it is to delivered.

“As a region, we can not afford the hard earned investment dollars to be squandered, the State Government must ensure that jobs and value for money projects are the result of the stimulus package,” he said.

The Property Council remained disappointed that water and sewerage infrastructure improvement again appeared off the radar.