Home Property Australia Movement on Barneson

Movement on Barneson

  • September 19, 2017

The Property Council of Australia Northern Territory Division welcomes the finalisation of the design phase for Barneson Boulevard, one of the seventy-two Darwin City Centre Master Plan Design Rationales / Projects.  

Property Council of Australia’s Northern Territory Executive Director Ruth Palmer says that infrastructure projects such as the Barneson Boulevard provide lasting long-term benefits to both the community and the business industry. 

“By creating a new access way into the CBD, the Barneson Boulevard will remove current constraints to growth, create jobs in the Darwin region and open up new areas for development in the Top End’s primary employment and entertainment hub.

“This is a ‘city building’ project aimed to enable Darwin CBD to continue to expand as the economic centre of the Territory.

“The Darwin City Centre Master Plan and its seventy-two projects represent a mature bipartisan approach to master planning that has been sadly absent in the Territory’s past.

“A bipartisan approach to planning will lead to better outcomes and certainty for the community, industry, and leads to more investment.      

“Projects like this will not only improve confidence in the retail and commercial sectors, but open up opportunities for investment.

“We are also pleased to see continued co-operation between all three levels of our government to bring such a large scale public project to fruition 30 years after conception. 

“With such co-operation, it is hopefully a good sign for the future City Deals Funding Agreement which is worth a $100 million dollars of additional Federal Government funding.

Media contact:  Ruth Palmer  |  M  0450 428 314  |   E  [email protected]