Home Property Australia Latest density refusal in western suburbs a major set-back

Latest density refusal in western suburbs a major set-back

  • September 14, 2017

The state government decision to re-start the process of achieving greater housing density in the Town of Cambridge is a major set-back and more evidence that urgent reform of local planning processes are needed in metropolitan Perth.

“The government’s refusal of amendment 31 to Cambridge’s planning scheme is a disappointing outcome for local residents that are calling for more housing diversity”, said Lino Iacomella Property Council WA Executive Director.

“The decision also highlights a common problem in local government in Perth, the lack of early strategic planning to inform the community and industry about future housing needs.

“The only good thing out of this is that the Town of Cambridge now recognises that it has a responsibility to prepare a new strategy to achieve greater housing diversity.

“A report to be released by the Property Council later this week reveals that only seven of Perth’s 32 councils have a current housing strategy in place.

“The state Government has a key role in the reform process by regularly monitoring and calling out councils that are not meeting their responsibilities to provide greater housing diversity.

“The industry is calling on the state Government and the Town of Cambridge to stick to the latest promise to prepare a fresh plan to deliver greater housing choice with the backing of the majority of residents”.