The proposal comes as local governments continue to struggle to hit the State’s infill target of 47%. Despite ultra-low interest rates and high levels of dwelling approvals, Perth is currently only hitting around 30% of infill.
“This week’s reveal of the plans for the Forrestfield train station should be a wake-up call for other local governments across Perth. With Forrestfield, soon to be only a 20-minute train ride from Perth CBD, the suburb and surrounds will no doubt see an influx of professionals and families looking to make the area home,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
A recent Property Council report which ranked 33 greater Perth councils on local planning performance, found the Shire of Kalamunda was one of the top three greater Perth councils that has planned for the future growth of their community.
“The Shire of Kalamunda has the right planning framework in place to accommodate population growth including housing, employment and commercial and industrial development. The state should support councils that make plans for a higher density of housing close to transport and employment by providing infrastructure incentives.”
“The latest Housing Industry Forecasting Group (HIFG) report highlights a sustained level of building approvals in Perth. However only 28% of these approvals are multi-residential buildings with much of the approvals being single residential or backyard infill developments,”
“Unfortunately, this type of development is intensifying the serious problem Perth has with the lack of housing diversity across the Perth market.”
“Incentives could be targeted at providing opportunities for aligning the planning and provision of public transport services with infill growth areas across Perth’s middle ring suburbs.” Mr Iacomella said.