Home Property Australia Industry responds to Qld Housing Strategy

Industry responds to Qld Housing Strategy

  • September 19, 2017

The Property Council of Australia has welcomed the release of the Queensland Housing Strategy 2017-2027.

Property Council Queensland Executive Director, Chris Mountford, says the strategy provides much needed assurance on the Government’s policy direction on the complex issue of housing.

“The strategy acknowledges that the private sector holds the key to delivering the Government’s social and affordable housing objectives,” Mr Mountford says.

“Partnering with the property industry to achieve housing solutions is a key focus of the strategy, and is the only real solution available to achieve the Government’s vision.”

“The strategy contains welcome recognition that a housing continuum exists from homelessness through to home ownership and a range of different policy solutions and responses is required across this spectrum.”

Many of the initiatives outlined in the strategy present opportunities for the State Government to better utilise its own land holdings to achieve their housing objectives.

“A lack of cooperation between government agencies to identify and discharge surplus land has undermined previous Government initiatives to put their land assets to work for the Queensland economy,” Mr Mountford says.

“The Treasurer needs to consider ways to ensure all agencies and arms of the government are pulling as one on the initiatives contained within the Housing Strategy.”

“Many of the actions contained in the Strategy and Action Plan will require a significant amount of further work by the Government to progress.”

One issue identified in the strategy is the need to provide a range of housing to suit our ageing demographic.

“It is important that any changes to the legislation governing seniors housing ensures investment continues to flow into seniors housing.”

“The Property Council looks forward to continuing to work with the Government to ensure the outcomes contained in the strategy boost the delivery of housing across the entire housing continuum.”

Queensland Housing Strategy

The Queensland Government has released its 10 year Housing Strategy focusing on four areas of Growth, Prosperity, Connections and Confidence. The strategy is accompanied by a 3 year Action Plan.

A commitment of 5,000 new social and affordable homes over the next 5 years is contained within the Strategy.  The allocation of this housing is apportioned in precincts across the state and takes into consideration work that has occurred through regional planning and the Advancing our Cities and Regions initiative.

This work will be facilitated through the establishment of the housing partnerships office, and follows a similar process to the Better Neighbourhoods Logan initiative. 

State-wide expressions of interest for the first projects are now welcome through the Queensland Housing Strategy website.

Other actions contained in the strategy include:

  • Inclusionary requirements (5-25%) for surplus government land being developed for residential purposes.  This will include PDAs and Economic and Community Development zones.
  • Improved housing choice and affordability within greenfield release areas and established suburbs.
  • Work with local governments to ensure best practice subdivision and design standards are implemented.
  • Delivery of pathways to home ownership for existing public housing tenants who may have the financial capacity through the provision of loans, shared equity and rent-to-buy schemes.
  • Delivery of a new suite of flexible assistance packages to enable access to private rental properties including loans, subsidies, head-leases and supports, and an extension of Bond Loans.
  • Amending the Retirement Villages Act 1999 and the Manufactured Homes (Residential Parks) Act 2003 to improve pre-contractual disclosure processes and introduce new behaviour standards to make it easier to address undesirable behaviour in residential parks and retirement villages.
  • Achieving Livable Housing Design Gold or Platinum level standard in % of new public housing construction. 

The full list of actions can be accessed here.

Having been actively engaged in the development of this strategy, the Property Council will continue to engage and work with the Government on the actions identified in the strategy.

The Property Council’s press release in response to the strategy can be accessed here.

The Property Council’s submission to the strategy’s development can be found here.