Home Property Australia Historic Heritage safe under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme

Historic Heritage safe under the Tasmanian Planning Scheme

  • September 15, 2017

The Property Council of Australia understands the importance of Tasmanian’s historic heritage.

Investors work patiently and methodically to ensure that they maintain the integrity of sites across the state which are considered of cultural importance.

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme will provide certainty and clarity for heritage properties, streetscapes and towns delivering a significant opportunity to continue to showcase much admired community assets.

It is important that there is a consistent approach across the state, particularly in the case of heritage, which will deliver transparency and accountability in councils’ decision making regarding local government heritage lists.

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme recognises that there other pieces of legislation such as the Historic Heritage Act which governs how state heritage listed properties are managed.  This means that duplication of decision making for a state heritage listed property by the Heritage Council and a local council, which can result in conflicting conditions, is removed. 

The Tasmanian Planning Scheme is about balance, equity and fairness. The elements which Tasmanians see as important are embedded in the scheme and in line with the large number of stakeholders who contributed to the scheme’s drafting during 2015.

The State Government via the Tasmanian Planning Commission has legislated some 390 days for exhibition and hearings which will give the general public time to review the 22 zones and 15 codes which make up the State Planning Provisions. The same process will be followed when each council releases their respective zone and overlay maps.