The Property Council has called on the State Government to relax building height restrictions on main arterial roads that border Adelaide’s parklands to contribute to a Central Park-style skyline.
Submissions have now closed for the Government’s Capital City Policy Review (Design Quality) DPA Amendment, and the Property Council is encouraging policy-makers to allow development to maximise valuable city views and revitalise flagging retail precincts.
SA Executive Director Daniel Gannon said that Central Park occupies an area of 340 hectares, while the Adelaide parklands covers an area of 930 hectares combined.
“This means that Adelaide boasts the largest urban park system in Australia,” he said.
“Much like New York’s Central Park, there would be significant benefit in ‘green lighting’ some development that would maximise views for residents and commercial office building tenants.
“Importantly, this could be undertaken without impacting on the use or facility of the parklands.
“To restrict buildings to ‘moderate’ heights with parkland frontage is a wasted opportunity to bring new business, residents and atmosphere into the East End retail precinct along roads like Dequetteville Terrace, Hutt Street and East Terrace.”
Mr Gannon said the Property Council is sympathetic to the will within Government and the community to protect our parklands as an asset for future generations.
“However, we believe that planning restrictions surrounding the parklands could be relaxed to encourage development along some of our major arterials.
“To contextualise this, we cite East Terrace, West Terrace and South Terrace, which are ideally suited to buildings above the current prescribed maximum building height that could take advantage of the desire of consumers for parkland and city views.
“The proposed amendment creates a pyramid-style height profile from the Central Business Policy Area outwards, which – if relaxed – could allow for above height development along the parklands and therefore contribute to a Central Park skyline.
“High quality development with parkland views would deliver obvious residential benefits, but could also attract headquartered offices at a time when South Australia desperately needs demand.
“Considering Adelaide boasts the largest urban park system in Australia and was the only Australian region to be named in Lonely Planet’s top five destinations in the world for 2017, this proposal has considerable merit to build on this growing international reputation.”
The Property Council is also seeking more detail provided on the requirement for ‘screening’ of multi-level car park developments.
Background information
Property is South Australia’s largest private sector employer and biggest industry, accounting for 10.8% of the state’s economic activity (or $10.5 billion).
It builds prosperity by paying $4.4 billion in wages and salaries – one in six people draw their wage directly or indirectly from property – and one million South Australians have a stake in property through their super funds.
Property is the largest single industry contributor paying 56.6% of state taxes, local government rates, fees and charges.
Media contact: Daniel Gannon |E [email protected]