The Property Council welcomes the McGowan government’s plans to rethink Perth’s rail infrastructure system to embrace more mixed used developments to create activated precincts at Forrestfield and Bayswater train stations and plans to introduce light rail connecting Curtin University and UWA.
“Integrating new stations such as Forrestfield and the proposed redevelopment of Bayswater station, with more high density residential and business premises will transform these local areas into vibrant social hubs, creating more jobs and boosting local amenities for residents,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“The Property Council welcomes Planning Minister Rita Saffioti’s plans to introduce commercial opportunities, such as shops, gyms and child care centres to land surrounding the Forrestfield train station.
“Rethinking land use in that area has the potential to significantly improve the quality of life for those living in the locality and those using Forrestfield train station.
“Not only will Forrestfield be better connected to both the airport and the CBD, but on a practical level, the ability for a working parent to drop the kids at the adjacent day care will save precious time and encourage people back to work, while having shops just metres from the train station will encourage local spending and draw people to the area.
“Similarly, plans to connect two of WA’s largest universities, Curtin and UWA with a light – rail line, will improve east – west connectivity and access to the amenities associated with each of the institutions as well as bring students into the CBD.
“Ultimately, strong communities are built through the integration of practicality, connectivity and vibrancy. These mixed-use developments will significantly add to the local area, making them places people want to live.
“Creating precincts around travel nodes such as train stations will ensure local area thrives, attracting residents and creating long term employment opportunities,” Mr Iacomella said.
Media contact: Lino Iacomella | M 0417 501 974 | E [email protected]