Home Property Australia Girls in Property week starts today

Girls in Property week starts today

  • September 19, 2017

A diversity pilot program for high school aged girls starts today with the objective of encouraging more young women to choose property as a career.

The Girls in Property program runs over three days with four schools participating and includes talks from industry leaders, tours of world class developments and the chance to work collaboratively on real property projects.

The program is an initiative of the Property Council of Australia with support and cooperation from industry members and the NSW Department of Education.

The program will raise awareness and encourage greater female participation in the property industry, introduce the career options available in the industry and help high school aged girls make informed choices about their future career.

Girls in Property is an incredibly important program to ensure the property industry has a diverse workforce and more young women are choosing property as a career,” Property Council NSW Executive Director Jane Fitzgerald said today.

“The pilot program will involve 120 girls currently considering their senior year subject selection choices and possible career paths.”

“Those involved in the week will hear from members of parliament, tour world class developments, speak to industry leaders, and work with their peers on real life projects that could influence actual property developments.

“The property industry has embraced the challenge of making diversity a key priority and at the core of everything we do – instilling the value of equity of opportunity.

“The Property Council has formed Diversity Committees across Australia and their work includes conducting mentoring programs, research initiatives, new event formats and professional development initiatives.

“It is hoped that with the assistance of this initiative and the support and cooperation of industry members and the Department of Education, more women will choose to work in the property industry.

What is Girls in Property Week?

• Girls in Property Week is an initiative of the Property Council of Australia’s NSW Diversity
Committee and will run from 15th – 19th May, 2017 as a pilot program.

• The pilot will run in four public girls’ schools in Northern Sydney (Cheltenham Girls High School,
Northern Beaches Secondary College, Mackellar Campus, Riverside Girls High School and Asquith
Girls High School) and involve the participation of approximately 120 girls in year ten.

• The week will run across three days of activities – Monday 15 May, Thursday 18 May and Friday, 19
May 2017.

• Girls in Property Week is an initiative endorsed by the NSW Department of Education and is
supported by a range of organisations and companies from across the property industry.

More information about Girls in Property can be found here or follow us on Instagram at @girlsinproperty17

Media contact: William Power| M 0429 210 982 | E [email protected]