Home Property Australia First Home Builders Boost

First Home Builders Boost

  • September 11, 2017

Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman congratulated the State Government for the initiative.

“The doubling of the Grant to $20,000 for the building of new homes will deliver a much needed boost to the construction industry.

“Hobart in particular is experiencing strong economic growth, however this is not consistent state-wide.  The doubling of the First Home Owners Grant will assist to create essential jobs in Northern Tasmania and this remains critically important,” he said.

Mr Wightman also recognised the impact of the First Home Owners Grant in providing an opportunity for young Tasmanians to build their first home while also encouraging mainlanders to consider Tasmania as a destination to live.

“Population growth remains a challenge for Tasmania.  With the implementation of the Grant, the Property Council remains optimistic that it will encourage mainlanders to consider our State as more than a holiday destination, rather a place to call home,” he said.

Media contact:  Brian Wightman |M 0429 073 773 |E [email protected]