Design WA – the new state planning policy for design quality, emphasises quality design of the built environment to ensure broad Perth becomes a well-designed and more sustainable city.
“The Property Council welcomes the release of Design WA as an initiative that gives greater confidence to the public around apartment development and the quality of the built form,” Property Council WA Executive Director Lino Iacomella said.
“However, with policies of this nature the devil is always in the detail and there are concerns that the policy could add onerous red tape. Design WA cannot become a development control – it should permit plenty of design flexibility to enable developments to meet the needs of the local market and locations.”
“Additionally, the success of Design WA will depend on the right design review process. What industry needs is to improve the current design review process which is different for each local government. Hopefully, the policy will provide a consistent design review process through the establishment of independent design advisory committees whose decisions inform, not overturn, the current Development Assessment Panels (DAPs) process.”
“Property Council’s #DesignPerth report, advocated for the introduction of design principles which focus on promoting and supporting world class precinct development to build stronger, more sustainable communities. It is pleasing to see that Government has acted on this.”
“Our report clearly shows the economic, social and environmental benefits of precinct development and how it can support Government in reaching its infill targets set out in Perth and Peel @ 3.5 million.”
“Good design is not just about an individual building; it is about creating communities through well-designed infill development at precinct scale. Although there are still gaps which need to be addressed, Design WA is a positive step in promoting local precincts which are measured by quality and access to social and public amenity and infrastructure.”
#DesignPerth can be downloaded here.
Media contact: Lino Iacomella | M 0417 501 974 | E [email protected]