The Property Council of Australia today welcomed the State Government’s announcement of a $100 million stimulus package for north and north east Tasmania.
Tasmanian Executive Director Brian Wightman reiterated the importance of job enabling and job creating projects particularly to the north of the state.
“Job creation is the number one advocacy priority for the Property Council of Australia.
“Investment drives confidence and delivers increased employment opportunities.
“We are extremely pleased that the State Government has acknowledged the issues that the north of the state currently faces and we look forward to working with them to deliver investment enabling infrastructure which will allow families to secure their futures in our state.”
Mr Wightman nominated significant projects in the north of the state with potential to create jobs.
“The UTAS relocation remains critical for northern Tasmania with the $150 million investment a once in a generation opportunity to increase confidence and deliver further investment.
“We must ensure that it begins as soon as practicably possible.
“Further, the Property Council has long maintained that a significant investment in water and sewerage infrastructure would be both job creating, and job enabling into the future.
“The current climate provides an excellent opportunity to bring all levels of Government together to deliver critical infrastructure which will facilitate continuous economic growth,” he said.
Mr Wightman congratulated the State Government for its commitment to the Tasmanian Planning Scheme and a significant reduction in red and green tape, initiatives aimed squarely at attracting investment.
“Property Council members are delivering a number of exciting investment projects, particularly in Launceston.
“We look forward to engaging with the State Government to learn of further details regarding the stimulus package,” he said.
Media contact: Brian Wightman | E: [email protected]