
The Power of Visibility

The Power of Visibility is a 4-hour online ( two two-hour sessions a week apart) designed for
experienced mid-career women who want to improve their visibility at work. Many women
report they feel almost invisible when it comes to job hires, promotions and skills recognition.
A big part of the problem may be that they feel uncomfortable ‘putting themselves out there’.

Micro acts of bravery: why women in the C-suite need to speak up

When we think about being brave, we often think of the bronzed lifesavers on Bondi Rescue pulling people from the surf, or firefighters rescuing a child from a burning building. Yes, these are indeed acts of bravery but the reality is few of us will ever be called to demonstrate these acts of ‘glamorous’ bravery.

New Office Developments and Pre-Leasing via an Agreement for Lease

There is around 25,000,000 m2 of office space in Australia (PRP Research) both in the CBD and suburbs and new developments are all the go, now the markets have tightened and face and more importantly effective rents firmed in the past few years, so how do you lease up a new development (pre-commit).

Location. Location. Location.

Globally, office markets are diversifying. The rise of new fringe markets, suburban markets and bespoke business parks have provided fierce competition to established central business district (CBD) locations. Along with decisions surrounding country and city locations, occupiers now have to assess a range of potential locations within a city as well. While this presents a range of opportunities, each of the markets and sub-markets offer their own set of advantages and disadvantages.

Next Generation Facilities Management

There is a great need for strategic facility management thinkers and innovators and the higher learning institutions, like universities, collages and FM associations, have a responsibility to address this need.

Operating in the office of the future

Technological advances will change the way it is designed, constructed, managed, maintained and used. So how might an office of the future, for example 20 years from now, operate? The following reviews a day in the life of Simone and Phil in “the office in 2040”.