
Home Advocacy Our Industry Office

The office sector has undergone the biggest disruption of our lifetime and seen enormous transformation over the past few years, impacting the vibrancy of our cities throughout the pandemic. The sector has also seen structural shifts at scale in the commuting patterns of knowledge workers. 

We’re at the forefront of the most relevant research – on supply, demand, vacancies, investment interest and other indicators – plus trends, planning frameworks and economic impact data related to office markets and the sector more broadly.

This page collates our suite of information, resources, industry committees and events related to the office sector, as well as our advocacy agenda and research.

  • South Australian Office Market Report

    100 King William Street
    Adelaide, SA
    Tickets on sale
  • ACT Office Market Report

    Hotel Realm
    Canberra, ACT
    Tickets on sale
  • 2025 Property Market Outlook

    Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre
    South Brisbane, QLD
    Tickets on sale

Industry Committees are made up of 12-25 property professionals from around Australia, who are experts in the relevant field. Committees meet every four to six weeks to discuss issues and projects relevant to their expertise and the focus of the Committee.

Being selected as a member of a Property Council Committee gives you the opportunity to help shape the future and influence the organisation’s advocacy agenda. Members have the opportunity to contribute to important, focused industry discussions while building their professional networks and knowledge. 

As part of our 40-40-20 commitment to gender equity, all our Committees comprise a minimum of 40 per cent female representatives. Committee members are appointed for a two-year term, with the current Committees commencing their tenure in February 2023.

Source: Property Council of Australia

  • Property Asset Management Core – Self Paced

    Self Paced
    Tickets on sale
  • Property Development Core – Self Paced

    Self Paced
    Tickets on sale
  • The Tenant’s Perspective – Commercial Leasing

    Property Council of Australia
    Sydney, NSW
    Tickets on sale

Commercial Office Seminar Wrap

The Property Council held a Commercial Breakfast Seminar on Tuesday 12 November – Brisbane’s Office Trailblazers: Exclusive insights into the latest commercial precincts leading Brisbane to the forefront of Australian office spaces.

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Innovation & Excellence Awards

The annual Property Council of Australia/Rider Levett Bucknall Innovation & Excellence Awards are the most prominent property awards in Australia, promoting excellence in design and innovation in the built environment since 1982.

National Retirement Living Awards

The Property Council’s National Retirement Living Awards celebrate excellence and achievement across all parts of the retirement living sector. 

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