Home Property Australia MBRC PLANNING SCHEME


  • September 07, 2017

The Property Council has provided a submission on the draft Moreton Bay Regional Council (MBRC) Planning Scheme (the scheme).

The Property Council first engaged with MBRC on the scheme in late 2013, providing detailed feedback on the drafting and usability of the codes.

Despite this early engagement process, the resultant scheme sits at almost 4,500 pages and holds a number of concerns for industry including:

  • Council’s use of flood overlay mapping and limited development zones –sterilising large parcels of land and removing owners’ property rights
  • The seeking of environmental offsets in areas which are designated as desirable for urban growth
  • A lack of clarity in the strategic framework, which will lead to significant uncertainty for developers
  • An increase in the need for industrial sites to become impact assessable as a result of the move from ‘general industry’ into ‘mixed industry and business areas’
  • A reduction in the maximum allowable area for display and retail sales and in ancillary office sizes in industrial zones.

A number of elements within the scheme, including reduced car parking rates and the ‘one stop shop’ for each code exhibit well intentioned policy however they require further development to realise their full potential and act in the manner they were designed.   

The Property Council looks forward to working closely with MBRC in the further development of the scheme.


MBRC PS Submission