The Property Council has raised a number of concerns regarding the delivery and governance of the Maroochydore City Centre Priority Development Area (PDA) Proposed Development Scheme in a submission to the Sunshine Coast Regional Council.
The Property Council has been supportive of the establishment of a CBD for the Sunshine Coast and sees the PDA as a step towards delivering this vision.
However the key concerns outlined in the submission include the need to: Property Council holds a number of concerns regarding the delivery and governance arrangements of the PDA. These include the need to:
- Establish a single, integrated CBD for the Sunshine Coast that incorporates the existing development around the PDA.
- Develop an accountability framework to provide transparency in governance arrangements.
- Communicate impacts of the required return on investment on Council’s budget and delivery of the site.
- Reflect the needs of the market, without compromising existing centres.
The submission can be found at the PDF link below.