• September 06, 2017

The Property Council has provided a submission to Logan City Council on the Draft Logan Planning Scheme 2014.

The submission commends Council for combining sections of the former Gold Coast, Beaudesert and Logan planning schemes into a single, consistent scheme for the city.

Overall, the scheme’s strategic plan and the limited use of Overlays, Zones and Precincts has been welcomed by the Property Council.

The submission raises some areas of concern with the Scheme, including:

The inclusion of an offset policy within the planning scheme
The Property Council sees no need for a local government planning scheme to replicate the work currently undertaken by the Queensland State Government to develop an equitable offsets policy for Queensland.

Council’s commitment to providing affordable housing is clear. The Property Council applauds Council’s resolution to introduce an ‘equivalent dwellings’ methodology and remove the minimum lot sizes for greenfield residential sites. Further refinement is required, however, in relation to lot sizes for high density development, and the differentiation between ‘dual occupancy’, ‘dual key’ and ‘secondary dwelling’ within the Scheme.  

The use of GFA caps for retail planning
The Property Council would support a shift within the Scheme from the use of GFA caps for retail planning to a network approach – differentiating centres through their role and function. The network approach would allow centres to fulfil their allocated role based on actual circumstances such as population growth.

Lack of support for High Impact Industry
Logan is strategically located in an ideal position to accommodate road-reliant industrial uses. The Scheme does not capitalise on the opportunities for employment generation and economic growth that come with high impact industrial uses. The Property Council would like to see the removal of prohibitive provisions that restrict these uses.

The submission can be found at the PDF link below.


Qld Sub 14 Logan Planning Scheme