Home Property Australia F2016 Queensland pre-budget submission

F2016 Queensland pre-budget submission

  • September 13, 2017

The Federal Budget forecast a 25 per cent drop in mining investment in Australia next year, followed by a further 30 per cent drop forecast for F2017.

As the mining sector falls as a proportion of national GDP, the property and construction sectors are poised to make up the shortfall.

Queensland, with a higher reliance on mining than other states, will be even more reliant on the property industry to deliver jobs and economic growth for our state.

The Property Council has presented our F2016 Queensland pre-budget submission to the Treasurer, Hon Curtis Pitt MP.

The submission outlines the Property Council’s plan to create prosperity, jobs and strong communities across Queensland. This plan comprises four key action areas;

  1. Fairer, simpler taxes
  2. Reforming the planning system
  3. Facilitating public sector investment
  4. Enabling private sector investment

Under each of these headings the submission provides a range of achievable actions, each with a level of cost to Government, and return for the Queensland economy.

As the state’s largest private sector employer, and biggest contributor to State tax revenue, Queensland’s property industry stands ready to deliver jobs and foster a stronger Queensland economy.

The Property Council looks forward to working closely with the Treasurer to ensure this Government’s first budget is primed to unlock the power of the property industry.

The Property Council’s F2016 pre-budget submission can be found at the PDF link below.